LECCA and Lake Wangary School

We have partnered with Lake Wangary School for over two decades, with the students getting hands on with planting at a number of locations including early planting at Mt Dutton, Tadpole Creek (Dutton Bay), and Lake Wangary.

In 2015-16 the students started planting at Greenly Beach. Since 20177 the students have been sowing local native plants for planting at community planting days at Greenly Beach. The whole school and kindergarden takes part (~70 students) to sow 1000-2000 seedlings. The plants are grown from local native plant seed collected by  Coastcare volunteers and the seedlings are maintained by coastcare volunteers over the summer during school break.

The seedlings are maintained in a plant nursery which sits on the school grounds.  In 2022 Coastcare received funding to upgrade the nursery irrigation system and we had the assistance of a local builder (Taiga Build) to do some important stabilization works and extend the nursery a little.

In 2023 we sold excess plant stock to coastal landholders, to home gardeners at a market day in Coffin Bay and supplied some other conservation groups with plants for their projects.


Coffin Bay foreshore native vegetation management


Shorebird Education and Awareness