In 2023-23 LECCA received funding from both the Lower Eyre Council and the Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board to undertake weed control and revegetation of degraded areas in the coastal reserve surrounding the Oyster walk in Coffin Bay .

We engaged a bushcare accredited contractor to undertake the removal of a range of larger weedy trees and shrubs that have escaped from gardens. 

One highly invasive weed through this area is Polygala (Polygala myrtifolia). It readily seeds and spreads into the native vegetation. It is also highly flammable alive or dead and not one you want around your house.  

We would like to encourage people to Adopt a Patch of the foreshore vegetation to look after. It only has to be a small patch. Perhaps you have a favourite spot that you walk through regularly or a spot that’s special to you for whatever reason or you can just want to keep an eye on things. This could be picking up litter, reporting any weeds, and keeping an eye on new plants if they are planted in your area and reporting things like rubbish dumping. We will look over the patch with you so you can tell the weeds from the native plants if you’re not sure. Adopting and caring for a patch is a great family activity.

The coastal reserve was Crown Land leased and managed by council. Ownership of the land has now been returned to the native title holders, the Nauo. Under the Native Vegetation Act it is an offence to clear any native vegetation without a permit.  Clearance includes the killing or destruction of native vegetation and the severing of branches, limbs, stems or trunks of native vegetation. This is also public land where Council has provided several properly constructed access points for the public to access the Oyster walk and the water. Clearing a private pathway through the vegetation is a criminal act.


Greenly Beach Revegetation Project


Partnership with Lake Wangary School