Journey to Long Beach

Journey to Long Beach: Celebrating the arrival of migratory birds to our coast for the summer will take place on Long Beach, Coffin Bay on Saturday 14th for World Migratory Bird Day. A colourful flock of birds, migratory and resident shorebirds, painted by our community will be installed on the beach.

The art installation will be an opportunity to get to know some of the shorebirds that fly in from the other side of the world to spend the summer on our beaches and to get to know a bit more about our local resident shorebirds.  We invite you to take a walk amongst the fantastic flamboyant flock to pick up some identification tips, then take a walk further along the beach and try to spot the real birds who have already flown in for the summer (don’t forget your binoculars).   


Photographing the Nature of our Coast - Long Beach, Coffin Bay. Saturday 14th Oct.


Through the Lens - Nature Festival 2023