Coastcare is about community volunteers caring for the coast.

Coastcare community volunteer groups are made up of everyday Australians who care passionately about the protection and management of our coastal and marine environments. Thousands of volunteers are part of more than 500 Coastcare groups that form a network around Australia. They put into action long-term, practical solutions for environmental issues in their local area.

Together, we can make a difference.

Coastcarers of all ages care for coast and marine environments by tackling problems like restoration of degraded coastal environments, protection of endangered coastal species habitats, pest plant removal, managing vehicle and visitor access to sensitive coastal areas, and education programs about issues affecting coastal and marine areas including stormwater pollution.

Ready to help?

There are many ways to get involved. We have activities for all ages, interests and skills. You can be a regular volunteer, or now & then. The work can be physical outdoors work like planting trees, adopting a beach and cleaning up marine debris or removing weeds. Maybe something less physical like caring for seedlings in the nursery, managing social media pages, or watching out for shorebirds is more your thing. You can be certain that you will learn something new about our magnificent coast and marine environments, in addition to a sense of wellbeing that comes when caring for these special places.

What’s on……check upcoming events here on the calendar.